Saturday, June 1, 2013

Well, here I am again; attempt number three at blogging in words rather than Tumblr images. I warn you now, I am not very good at this.  Before I get into any serious blogging I decided I'd make a list of things you should probably know about me, or my life will make no sense at all to you; enjoy!

- If at any point I refer to a man named Alex, just remember he's my boyfriend. We have been together for over 2.5 years. That is basically a lifetime here in Utah County. And before you ask, no, it was not love at first sight. Yes I thought he was a babe, and yes he thought I was a catch, but it did not stay like that for long. For a brief period we hated each other.  I even put a hospital grade laxative in his apple pie once. Now, we are excited for what the future will bring us. Ironically enough he loves when I make him mini apple pies now, not without the horrible flashbacks I'm sure.

-I have one awesome dad. His name is Gary. He is the whitest Mexican you will ever meet. My mother's name is Maria, we call her Asian. She was born in Vietnam, but I promise she wasn't part of the Viet Cong. I owe my parents everything, especially since I was not the easiest of children in my teen years. My older brother Wesley is a gem. Once when I was in first grade he spent all of his recess trying to find a boy who was mean to me so he could yell at him. He would still do it today if anything happened to me.  Aaron is my baby brother. We didn't used to get along, but now he is seriously my best friend. We spend all our time just looking up stupid videos on youtube. The tiniest human is Paige. Now, she is at that age where I want to slap her all the time, but we definitely have our moments of sisterly love. I'd do anything for her.  At the very end we have Rudy. Now, we know he's a dog. We do, but he will always be part of the family. I mean, we hand feed him you guys. He's a king.

-I'm a nursing student. Literally nothing you tell me could gross me out. Guys, I've had every bodily fluid imaginable on me, and this is still what I want to do.  Right now I work as a PCT at the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center and American Fork Hospital. I love it!  I'm trained to work on every unit which keeps me on my toes, and I see everything from gunshot head wounds to mono. If you're ever a patient, let me know and I promise to visit with goodies.

-I have a fear of just about everything. Literally. When I leave the house I think of how I could get kidnapped in different situations, what to do if there is a natural disaster that second, and I go through how to use the AED's at the store in case someone decides do have a heart attack in the middle of Walmart. I promise none of this is spoken out loud. I worry about going down stairs with people around. I imagine tripping or just full on falling to the bottom of the steps, so I just go VERY VERY slow. I'm sorry in advance. For a brief period the summer before 8th grade I carried bug repellant on my person at all times, I was NOT about to get West Nile Virus.  I know this makes me seem crazy, but I promise I am totally normal.

-I only drink water, some flavored teas, and juice. I threw up Mountain Dew when I was ten, and I just haven't been able to do soda again. 

-I am amazing at being unintentionally creepy. I usually like everyone's instas first. I will attempt to initiate conversations and act like your best friend after saying hi to you one time in a group of people I AM SO SORRY. I am just overly friendly and even more overly interested in being nice to everyone. So forgive me. 

-The littlest things can make me full on cry in public. It's not even sad things. When I get too happy, excited, surprised, or sad I cry. The Target scholarship commercial; tears. Babies that are really cute; tears. Old man alone; tears.  Seeing someone I haven't seen in a long time; tears. Weddings; tears. Cute slideshows;tears. It's really embarrassing but I can't help it!

That's really all I can think of at this moment, hopefully that gives you some insight into my day to day life!

1 comment:

  1. Dont diss the bugspray!! You were the funnest girl even with it :D You are so cute!! Miss you!
